With our experienced design team, we follow the trends at world fashion fairs, fashion capitals, and current industry-specific online platforms. We meet one-on-one with our customers' design teams, understand their expectations, and prepare our collections in line with these expectations.

We are aware that our environmental footprint in production will be shaped by our decisions in design. While creating our collections, we make sure that innovation and responsible production are among our criteria as well as creativity.

  • With the CLO 3D software program, which we have received the certificate of use, we aim to bring our designs to life virtually and make presentations to the brands we work with without the need for physical samples.
  • From our first physical samples, we pay attention to the more sustainable fiber content in the fabrics we use.
  • We calculate the environmental impact of the finishing processes we plan to use in our models with Jeanologia EIM software and ensure that EIM scores are a factor in our final decisions.